From 2021-23, Youth Art For Healing partnered with healthcare organizations to select specific areas at their sites: exam rooms, treatment rooms, inpatient rooms, lobbies, waiting rooms, dining areas, hallways, and conference rooms, for the permanent installation of student-created paintings. Once locations had been determined for the paintings, YAFH staff would measure the spaces for each work of art and discuss themes for the paintings with our healthcare partners.
Across the years, YAFH paintings have been square, portrait, and landscape, all in a variety of canvas sizes. When our healthcare partners wanted paintings to fill bigger spaces, they would sometimes request that our student artists create larger paintings. Often, two or more students would work together to create these larger works of art. The students had to learn how to collaborate and the end results always turned out to be amazing!
To best view the large paintings below on a mobile device, please use landscape mode.