Spending time in a doctor’s office or in the hospital is challenging, with the stress and anxiety of illness, the isolation and boredom of waiting, and being stuck in an unfamiliar, stark environment. But research has shown that adding artwork to care spaces can significantly improve patient experience and health outcomes.

Youth Art For Healing is dedicated to bringing works of art created by youth into healthcare environments such as clinics, hospitals, and rehabilitation facilities. Our goal is to provide a sense of comfort, inspiration, and healing for patients and their loved ones, and healthcare professionals.

Here are just a few examples of how the artwork of Youth Art For Healing student artists transforms healthcare spaces so that patients and their loved ones feel more welcome and at ease, and healthcare professionals have a more welcoming work environment as well.


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CNHS Eye Clinic.1-AFTER.jpg

"Please share our thanks, gratitude, and utter amazement for the beautiful art pieces created by the talented students of Albert Einstein and Montgomery Blair High Schools [for MedStar Health Physical Therapy at Ellicott City]. Our clinic looks truly incredible and we are so happy. Thank you again. This was a great experience!"

– Bryan, Regional Director
MedStar Health Physical Therapy


"The artwork is fabulous and we finally feel at home and get comments on it every day. Thank you! We love it. What a world of difference!

– Diane, Clinic Coordinator
MedStar Physical Therapy at Waverly


"Our team members are so grateful for the kind gesture by these students and are very excited to add the paintings to their workspaces."

– Tiffany, Philanthropy Business Operations Manager
MedStar Health

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